Students must maintain at least a 75% grade average and complete the full 300 clock hours in order to meet graduation requirements. See the "Make-Up Work" policy for further information. A progressive grading system, using weekly scores and a three- part final examination, which includes written, forge, and shoeing tests, determines the final grade. Upon successful completion of the six-week course, students will be presented with a Certificate of Completion for the Basic Horseshoeing and Blacksmithing Course.

Oklahoma Horseshoeing School does recognize the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and will abide by the laws protecting the students who attend our school.
Records including enrollment, attendance, grades, write-ups and probation sheets may be requested by students, parents or guardians of students under 18 and government agencies in writing and will be granted within 30 days.

Graduation Certificates, along with class awards are handed out at a small graduation ceremony on the last day of class.
A High Point Buckle is given to our best overall student each class, according to class, shoeing and forging grades.